Knee Repair - Arthroscopic
3 results for Knee Repair - Arthroscopic
Culpeper, VA (49.38 mi)
Short Term Acute Care Hospital
Check Coverage
up to $4,030
See cost breakdown
Haymarket, VA (17.30 mi)
Short Term Acute Care Hospital
Check Coverage
up to $4,030
See cost breakdown
Warrenton, VA (28.57 mi)
Short Term Acute Care Hospital
Check Coverage
up to $20,545
See cost breakdown
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Turquoise obtains prices from multiple sources, including provider and insurance published data, as well as historical medical claims.
If you're using insurance...
A price is considered fully verified if it is made available by both the provider and the insurance company, and those prices have low variability. A price is considered partially verified if it is made available by one or the other and can be corroborated by historical medical claims data. Turquoise does not currently publish any rates that don't meet these verification criteria.
If you're not using insurance...
Cash-pay prices can only be retrieved from provider-published data.