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Stafford Hospital

101 Hospital Center Boulevard, Stafford, VA 22554


Percutaneous Breast Biopsy

Estimated Cost

The estimated total cost of care without any insurance coverage or discounts.

Up to



without insurance


without insurance

Turquoise Health Price Estimate



Percutaneous Breast Biopsy

If your doctor notices something unusual on your mammogram or detects a lump in your breast, they may recommend a percutaneous breast biopsy. Although it may sound complicated, this straightforward procedure involves taking a small sample of breast tissue to check for signs of cancer or other breast issues. "Percutaneous" simply means that the tissue is collected through the skin, without the need for a large incision or surgery.

Depending on the area being examined, your doctor might use different tools to guide the procedure. These may include an ultrasound (which uses sound waves to create images), a mammogram (a specialized breast x-ray), or an MRI (which uses magnets and radio waves) to precisely locate the area for sampling. There are a few methods for obtaining the sample: one uses a very fine needle to extract cells (fine-needle aspiration), another involves a slightly larger needle to remove a small piece of tissue (core needle biopsy), and a third is a vacuum-assisted biopsy, where a specialized device collects multiple samples through a single small incision.

This procedure is essential because it helps your doctor determine if there is cause for concern. It is performed with care to ensure your comfort and typically takes only a short time. Afterward, the sample is sent to a lab, where experts examine it under a microscope to identify any cancer cells or other abnormalities. This information is critical for deciding the next steps, whether that involves further tests, treatment, or routine monitoring. Remember, early detection and treatment of potential problems can make a significant difference in your health outcomes.

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Stafford Hospital

101 Hospital Center Boulevard, Stafford, VA 22554

Cash Price

Primary Service Cost

Estimated cost with associated fees.


Case Rate

Facility Fees

7 Fees

Percutaneous Breast Biopsy

Implantable Tissue Marker, Any Type, Each

Medical/Surgical Supplies and Devices (Also see 062X, an extension of 027X) - Other implants

Medical/Surgical Supplies and Devices (Also see 062X, an extension of 027X) - Sterile

Operating Room Services - Minor surgery

Other Imaging Services - Diagnostic mammography

Technical: Cytopathology Consultation Including Touch/Squash Preparatory Tests, Initial Site

Optional Fees

2 Fees

Laboratory Pathology - General

Pharmacy (Also see 063X, an extension of 250X) - General

This estimate includes services commonly performed during this treatment. We include these services to give you the most accurate estimate possible.


Individual treatments can vary, causing costs to change. Use the prices above to estimate your out-of-pocket cost. To verify your out-of-pocket cost, contact your healthcare provider.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I make the most of the information provided?
Use this information to compare healthcare providers and estimate the price you'll pay (see 'What does the estimated price include?' for more information). We recommend verifying this information directly with your provider.
Do my search results include an exhaustive list of providers that offer the service I'm looking for?
No. Our beta search experience currently includes providers for whom we are able to find prices and verify their accuracy (see 'How does Turquoise determine price accuracy?' below for more information). This means there may be other providers available in your area. We are introducing additional providers on a rolling basis. If you don't see a specific provider listed, check back soon.
Why do I only see hospitals in my search results?
Our beta search experience currently includes only prices for services performed at hospitals but stay tuned—we’ll be expanding our search results to include ambulatory surgery centers, independent imaging centers, and more soon.
Why isn't my insurance plan listed?
We are introducing additional national and regional insurance plans on a rolling basis. If you don't see your insurance plan listed, check back soon.
What if I can’t find the service I’m looking for?
Our beta search experience includes a limited set of services, which we are growing all the time. If you can't find what you're looking for,
What does the estimated price include?
Estimated prices include facility fees—charges that cover the overhead costs of running a hospital—for services commonly performed during a given treatment. They do not currently include professional fees, which cover the costs of services provided by medical professionals like doctors, nurses, or lab technicians (coming soon!). Please be sure to note this when verifying prices with your healthcare provider.
How does Turquoise determine price accuracy?

Turquoise obtains prices from multiple sources, including provider and insurance published data, as well as historical medical claims.

If you're using insurance...

A price is considered fully verified if it is made available by both the provider and the insurance company, and those prices have low variability. A price is considered partially verified if it is made available by one or the other and can be corroborated by historical medical claims data. Turquoise does not currently publish any rates that don't meet these verification criteria.

If you're not using insurance...

Cash-pay prices can only be retrieved from provider-published data.

I'm using insurance. How do I estimate my out-of-pocket cost vs. what I can expect insurance to cover?
To estimate your out-of-pocket cost, use the calculator tool on the cost breakdown page. We recommend first logging into your insurance portal or contacting them directly to retrieve your up-to-date deductible, out-of-pocket maximum, and service-specific co-pay or co-insurance information.
I enrolled in a government-sponsored healthcare program. Can I use Turquoise to find prices for care?
You should not use Turquoise Health to compare prices if you are enrolled in a Medicare or Medicaid plan. Contact Medicare or your state’s Medicaid program directly for more information.

Contact Provider

Contact the provider to let them know you’d like an estimate. The finance or billing department is often best equipped to help verify expected costs.

Percutaneous Breast Biopsy


Stafford Hospital

101 Hospital Center Boulevard, Stafford, VA 22554

Cash Price

Your Right to Know

The No Surprises Act requires healthcare providers to provide a cost estimate for certain services. When speaking with your provider, you can request a 'Good Faith Estimate' and have the CPT code above, with your insurance information (if applicable), on hand.

Can’t find what you’re looking for?

Let us know so we can improve.

Please do not include any personally-identifying or health information

About Price Verification

Our goal is to provide you with the most accurate and reliable cost estimates. To help you understand the level of accuracy for each price estimate, we include a verification label on every estimate.

Fully Verified: The hospital and insurance company listed similar prices for this service.

Partially Verified by Insurance: The insurance company published the price, and historical claims data supports it. The hospital hasn't published their price yet.

Partially Verified by Hospital: The hospital published the price, and historical claims data supports it. The insurance company hasn't published their price yet.

Not Yet Verified: Currently, we only show prices verified by at least one party.

Quality Score

What do the star ratings mean?

The star rating is an assessment by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) that summarizes quality information on attributes such as patient experience, readmissions, and mortality for hospitals. Learn more.

Star Rating

1 through 5 rating summarized from 5 quality areas.

Missing Rating

Rating unavailable.