Turquoise Health Price Estimate
MRI with Contrast
Haymarket Medical Center
15225 Heathcote Boulevard, Haymarket, VA 20155
Cash Price
Primary Service Cost
Estimated cost with associated fees.
This is the total amount your healthcare provider charges for providing this service. Commonly called a "Case Rate," this is a predetermined amount that encapsulates all associated services rendered by the provider.
Facility Fees
3 Fees
MRI with Contrast
Magnetic Resonance Technology (MRT) - Brain/brain stem
Pharmacy - Extension of 025X - Drugs requiring detailed coding
Optional Fees
0 Fees
This estimate includes services commonly performed during this treatment. We include these services to give you the most accurate estimate possible.
Individual treatments can vary, causing costs to change. Use the prices above to estimate your out-of-pocket cost. To verify your out-of-pocket cost, contact your healthcare provider.