Ultrasound of back wall of the abdomen with limited areas viewed

Hospital Reported Prices for Alomere Health

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More Information

What is an Ultrasound of the Back Wall of the Abdomen With Limited Areas Viewed?

An ultrasound of the back wall of the abdomen with limited areas viewed is a procedure used to take images of internal organs and structures using high-frequency sound waves.

Why Would I Get an Ultrasound of the Back Wall of the Abdomen With Limited Areas Viewed?

This procedure may be recommended to evaluate a suspected medical condition or to monitor the progress of an existing medical problem.

What Happens During an Ultrasound of the Back Wall of the Abdomen With Limited Areas Viewed?

During an ultrasound of the back wall of the abdomen with limited areas viewed, a technologist will place a small handheld device (called a transducer) against your abdomen and use sound waves to take images of the targeted area.

What to Expect After an Ultrasound of the Back Wall of the Abdomen With Limited Areas Viewed?

Results of the test will be reported to your doctor soon after the procedure. After the procedure, expect no down time and should not experience any significant discomfort.


An ultrasound of the back wall of the abdomen with limited areas viewed is a non-invasive procedure used to take images of internal organs and structures and can be used to detect and monitor specific conditions. The results of the test can be provided to the doctor shortly after the procedure and should not cause significant discomfort or any downtime.

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