The price that Pampa Regional Medical Center has reported for Defibrillator complete system varies depending on if you would be paying in cash or if you are part of an insurance plan that has a pre-negotiated rate. Choose whether to view cash prices or insurance prices to get started.
To calculate an estimate of your cost, you will need two things:
Hospital Reported Insurer Rate
[[insurerNegotiatedPrice | toCurrency]]Your Deductible
[[usedDeductible | toCurrency]]Your Copay
[[copayParsed | toCurrency]]Your Coinsurance
[[coinsuranceAmount | toCurrency]]Insurance Company Pays
[[yourInsurancePays | toCurrency]]Your Estimated Charge
[[totalPatientCostShare | toCurrency]]This calculation is an estimate based on the insurer negotiated price reported by Pampa Regional Medical Center on their price transparency website and the insurance information that you have entered.
Your care needs may be different than what is covered by the price listed by the provider. To make sure that this is what the provider will actually charge you, you need to contact Pampa Regional Medical Center so that your price and insurance eligibility can be confirmed by the provider.
We display prices that are listed on the provider's price transparency page. We have not been able to locate a negotiated rate for your insurance plan, so you will need to contact Pampa Regional Medical Center directly for a price estimate.
As part of the US Government's Price Transparency Final Rule, hospitals are required to publish rates that they have negotiated with insurance plans. Our goal is to make it easy to compare those prices, but we are limited by the data made available by the provider.
If Pampa Regional Medical Center has additional rates available that we don't have listed, please let us know.
Implantable cardioverter-defibrillators (ICD) are devices used to monitor your heart rhythm and detect irregular heartbeats. They are small battery-powered devices that are placed in the chest. In addition to monitoring your heart rate, ICD can deliver electric shocks to your heart via one or more wires to fix the abnormal heart rhythm.
It is crucial to detect and fix abnormal heart rhythms because they, sometimes, can be deadly. ICDs monitor your heart and can stop these abnormal rhythms.
Anyone who had sustained any abnormal heart rhythm like ventricular tachycardia or had a cardiac arrest due to severely abnormal rhythm is a candidate for ICD. Additionally, people with any of the following conditions may benefit from an ICD implant:
You can think of ICD as the same thing when, in TV shows, you see the hospital workers deliver a shock for an unconscious person. ICD does the same thing whenever it detects that your heart is beating abnormally.
ICD implant is almost always done with sedatives that relax you but still make you aware of your surroundings. If general anesthesia is done, you will be unconscious during the procedure and won’t remember anything related to it. Talk to your doctor about what to expect.
ICD implant is usually done using endocardial (transvenous) approach. During this procedure, small incisions are made in your chest where the device and a lead are inserted. The lead will be guided to the heart muscle with the aid of X-ray images. One end of the lead will be connected to your heart, while the other end is attached to a pulse generator. The generator is usually implanted in a pocket created under your skin.
The procedure usually takes a few hours with a recovery time of 24 hours. You may also be released on the same day of your procedure, depending on your case and your physician’s opinion.
You should expect some pain in the incision area. This pain will decrease with time; over-the-counter pain medications can help in the process. Don’t use aspirin or ibuprofen because they can inhibit your platelet aggregation leading to an increased risk of bleeding.
Your doctor will give you some instructions about how to care for yourself to avoid any complications related to the procedure. These will include instructions related to your medications, wound, device care, activity guidelines, maintenance, and follow-up schedule.
Your ICD has a lithium battery that can last up to years. Your doctor will check the battery life to make sure that your generator is working properly.
ICDs are the best choice for anyone who has survived a cardiac arrest due to dangerous arrhythmias. An ICD will lower your risk of sudden death from cardiac arrest. You will receive some short-term and long-term precautions from your doctor. It is essential to strictly follow these rules to make sure your ICD will work properly.
1- Mayo Clinic: Implantable cardioverter-defibrillators (ICDs)
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