- Radiation therapy delivery
- Radiation therapy delivery
- Radiation treatment delivery
- Realignment of the eye with repair of eye muscle
- Reconstruction medial collateral ligament
- Reconstruction of nose
- Red blood cell disorders
- Red blood cell (RBC) antibody detection test
- Red blood cell sickling measurement
- Red Blood Cells, Leukocytes Reduced, Each Unit
- Red blood count, automated test
- Reduction mammaplasty
- Rehab Room and Board Per Diem Rate
- Reinsertion of ruptured biceps or triceps tendon
- Release of the transverse carpal ligament
- Release, tarsal tunnel
- Removal of 6 or more nails
- Removal of amniotic fluid from the uterus for diagnostic purposes
- Removal of appendix using an endoscope (Outpatient)
- Removal of breast and underarm lymph nodes
- Removal of ear wax, 1 ear
- Removal of ear wax, both ears
- Removal of eggs from ovaries
- Removal of excess skin, abdomen
- Removal of excess skin and tissue from abdomen (panniculectomy)
- Removal of excess skin, arm
- Removal of excess skin, hip
- Removal of excess skin, thigh
- Removal of fluid or injection of medication into a ganglion cyst
- Removal of foreign bodies in large bowel using an endoscope