- Ultrasound, aortic aneurisum screening
- Ultrasound Blood Flow Outside the Brain
- Ultrasound exam of abdomenal back wall, complete
- Ultrasound exam of head and neck
- Ultrasound guidance for biopsy
- Ultrasound-guided breast biopsy
- Ultrasound guided needle aspiration or biopsy of lower large bowel using an endoscope
- Ultrasound Heart
- Ultrasound Joint Soft Tissue - Complete
- Ultrasound of abdomen, complete
- Ultrasound of abdomen, limited
- Ultrasound of back wall of the abdomen with limited areas viewed
- Ultrasound of bladder to measure urine capacity
- Ultrasound of breasts (both)
- Ultrasound of breast (single)
- Ultrasound of chest
- Ultrasound of lower large bowel using an endoscope
- Ultrasound of pelvis
- Ultrasound of single fetus
- Ultrasound of the eye
- Ultrasound, pelvic, complete
- Ultrasound, pregnancy
- Ultrasound, pregnancy, 1st trimester
- Ultrasound, pregnancy, transabdominal (pelvis)
- Ultrasound, pregnancy, transvaginal
- Ultrasound, shoulder joint/soft tissue
- Ultrasound, spinal canal
- Ultrasound, testical
- Ultrasound, transvaginal
- Ultrasound Veins of Both Arms or Legs