Our Lady of the Lake Ascension -
1125 West Highway 30, Gonzales, LA, 70737 -
2256475000 -
190242 -
1215921077 -
Visit -
Short Term Acute Care Hospital -
78 -
Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady Health System
Nearby Providers
St. James Behavioral Health Hosp (1 miles), Prevost Memorial Hospital (9 miles), Womans Hospital (15 miles), The NeuroMedical Center Rehabilitation Hospital (15 miles), Surgical Specialty Center Of Baton R (15 miles),
Cash Price Comparison
By market
34.9% higher
On average, this provider is 34.9% more expensive than 16 providers of similar type in their geographic region. Learn more about our methodology here.
Comparison Providers
- Baton Rouge General - Bluebonnet
- East Jefferson General Hospital
- Hammond Surgical L.L.C.
- Lane Regional Medical Center
- Leonard J. Chabert Medical Center
- North Oaks Medical Center
- Ochsner Health Center - Kenner
- Ochsner Medical Center - Baton Rouge
- Ochsner St. Mary
- Omega Hospital Llc
- Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center
- Physicians Medical Center
- St. Charles Parish Hospital
- Terrebonne General Medical Center
- Thibodaux Regional Medical Center
- Womans Hospital
Cash Price Comparison by Service Category
Service Category |
Price Comparison |
Inpatient |
43.2% above market |
Inpatient |
42.8% above market |
Inpatient |
42.8% above market |
Inpatient |
42.9% above market |
Inpatient |
42.9% above market |
Inpatient |
33.5% above market |
Inpatient |
34.0% above market |
Inpatient |
34.0% above market |
Inpatient |
35.9% above market |
Inpatient |
34.1% above market |
Inpatient |
33.7% above market |
Inpatient |
33.7% above market |
Inpatient |
33.7% above market |
Inpatient |
33.9% above market |
Inpatient |
33.9% above market |
Inpatient |
33.9% above market |
Inpatient |
34.9% above market |
Inpatient |
34.9% above market |
Inpatient |
33.8% above market |
Inpatient |
34.9% above market |
Inpatient |
33.8% above market |
Inpatient |
34.7% above market |
Inpatient |
34.7% above market |
Inpatient |
37.8% above market |
Inpatient |
37.8% above market |
Inpatient |
32.1% above market |
Inpatient |
32.1% above market |
Inpatient |
40.8% above market |
Clinical Services
All Services
- Anesthesia
- Cardiac Catheterization Lab
- Clinical Laboratory
- CT Scan
- Diagnostic Radiology
- Dietary Care
- Emergency Department
- ESWL (Extracorporeal Shockwave Lithotripter)
- Gerontological Specialty
- Inpatient Surgical
- MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)
- Nuclear Medicine
- OR (Operating Room)
- Orthopedic Surgery
- OT (Occupational Therapy)
- Outpatient
- Outpatient Surgery
- Pediatric Care
- Pharmacy
- Postoperative Recovery Room
- PT (Physical Therapy)
- Respiratory Care
- Social Care
- Speech Pathology
- Surgical ICU (Medical Surgical Intensive Care Unit)
- Therapeutic Radiology