- Family psychotherapy, including patient, 50 min
- Family psychotherapy, not including patient, 50 min
- Fasciectomy, plantar fascia
- Ferritin (blood protein) level
- Fetal biophysical profile with non- stress test
- Fetal biophysical profile without non-stress test
- Fetal non-stress test
- Finger/thumb distal phalangeal fixation (pinning)
- Flouroscopy, or x-ray "movie" that takes less than an hour
- Flouroscopy, or x-ray "movie" that takes more than an hour
- Flu shot-high dose for 2019-2020 flu season given by injection
- Flu shot-high dose for 2019-2020 flu season given by injection for people >65
- Folic acid; serum
- Form of decompression therapy of the spine
- Fractures of hip and pelvis
- Fracture, sprain, strain and dislocation except femur, hip, pelvis and thigh