- Palatopharyngoplasty
- PAP smear
- PAP smear
- Paracentesis (removal of fluid from peritoneal cavity) with guidance
- Paracentesis (removal of fluid from peritoneal cavity) without guidance
- Parathormone
- Parathyroidectomy or exploration of parathyroid(s)
- Paring or cutting of benign hyperkeratotic lesion
- Partial removal of breast
- Parvovirus antibody test
- Pathology test
- Patient office consultation, typically 40 min
- Patient office consultation, typically 60 min
- Perineoplasty (perineorrhaphy)
- Periodic primary re-evaluation for an established infant patient
- Periodic primary re-evaluation for an established patient 65 and older
- Phenobarbital level
- Phenytoin level
- Phosphatase (enzyme) level
- Physical Therapy, re-evaluation
- Physical therapy, therapeutic exercise
- Physician telephone patient service, 11-20 minutes of medical discussion
- Physician telephone patient service, 21-30 minutes of medical discussion
- Physician telephone patient service, 5-10 minutes of medical discussion
- Physiological studies of arteries, complete, 3+ levels
- pneumococcal vaccine
- Pneumonia
- Poisoning and toxic effects of drugs
- Prealbumin (protein) level
- Pre-delivery care 4-6 visits